
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Geraldine will be giving a talk on how we can use these three aspects during these times of change and uncertinty to create a solid foundation onto which we can begin to build new systems of supports which are more balanced and sustainable.Healing Connections Thurs 3rd March 8pm

As well as creating a range of Organic beauty products Geraldine also teaches Meditation and Mindfulness based stress management for more details call Geraldine on 064 7753059 or follow us on facebook where all course dates are posted search Flourishorganics and become a fan to be kept updated.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A DAY OF MEDITATION - Learn to meditate in beautiful, peaceful surroundings with like minded people. We will learn and practice three forms of meditation to help manage stress and remain in the present moment despite the challenges and uncertainties of the external world. The day runs Saturday Feb. 26th 10pm til 3pm in Clonkeen Killarney. It costs €35 and lunch is provided .

INTRODUCING FLOURISH2LIFE - Because beauty is more than skin deep.Offering treatments, courses and support to help manage stress, stay well and live beautifully.
Watch this space for information on Meditation, Reiki and mindfulness based stress reduction.