
Monday, November 30, 2009

Flourish ON RTE Nationwide

Thank you very much for the wonderful response and feedback after being shown on Nationwide last Friday. We are delighted to see that there is great interest in a locally produced organic skin care product.
Our products are available online on and as we usually turn orders over within 3-4 days it should arrive within time for Christmas. Feel free to call us with any questions on 064 7753059
Flourish is also available in the following locations:
DUBLIN: Forms & Lines (next to Ulster Bank) Ranelagh,
Chapolizod Pharmacy
MAYO: Nice & Natural, Horkan's Garden Centre, Castlebar
GALWAY: Jorenas Healthshop, Ballinasloe
Living Well, Mountbellow
An Bhean Feasa, Clifden
CORK: Bee Alive, Kanturk
ROSCOMMON: O Brien's Healthfood, Lanesboro St. Roscommon
WEST MEATH: Colcannon Pharmacy, Athlone
KERRY: Nu Era, Killarney
Horans Killarney
Horans Listowel
Sean Cara Tralee
Sean Cara. Ballyseedy Gardencentre

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Welcome to Our New Blog

Hi There and welcome to the new blog for Flourish Cosmetics,
Through this Blog we will be keeping our customers up to date on new products coming on line and answering the most common questions people may have about our products.